Friday, August 13, 2010

before "home" becomes a place

So far it looks like i've found a place to stay...
Aspen Ridge ridge likes a little gel in his hair, he likes the gym because it gives him those muscles. He likes those muscles because of the girls they attract. He likes the girls because they look like they would be fun to sex, or at least his friends will say so when they come over to watch The Game.
Branbury is a good girl, she would never touch a beer and wouldn't be caught dead in a halter top. You should check out the new v-neck she just bought. It has long sleeves so her mom thinks it's cute yet the neck falls low, eagerly showing him that she's ready to get crazy.
Academy Arms must be the most obedient kid I know. He keeps the commandments with a fervour that would make The Law of Moses jealous, he is faithful in his calling, he remembers his mission every week in sunday school, he doesn't let a week slip by without bagging the mandatory date, he wants to get married with all his heart. How long has he been in the ward anyway?
I seem to get along fine with all of them we go snowboarding, talk after class, play frisbee. I don't identify with them. I don't want to be them. I just need a place to sleep, a space to think, a spot to hang my toys. I expected to sign a contract which enumerated my rights to the facilities and the financial repercussions. I didn't foresee the social compact which they would try to get me to sign with the blood of my personality.
...I'm still looking for a place to live.

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